Ravens Lair Recruiting



I am the leader of Ravens Lair and We are looking for skilled new players to join our clan to clan war and have fun. We only have small requirements that I'm sure most people already have. Those who were looking to join my old, disbanded clan, BlackHawkAlpha, are most welcome to join this one.

Requirements players must have:

1. 1.00+ kdr. If you are close or think your kdr does not represent your skill truely, add me and I'll try you out.

2. Friendly attitude to all Member of the clan and public

3. Must be active and play at least 3 times a week, preferably longer on the weekend.

4. Rank of at least SGT (as stated before if you are not of SGT, you will have a tryout session with me.

If you are interested, Please say so here and leave your IGN here and also, add me IGN; Roger117. I hope to find you in game.

Roger117. Ravens Lair