Pistols as primaries?


New Member
I love pistols, and I'm pretty damn good with them in pistol-only matches. I have to wonder though, does anyone think I could use it as my primary and get away with it? I mean let's say the M1911 MEU (best power other than the Anaconda) with heavy armor... Has anyone tried something like this?


New Member
In regular (no weapon restriction) servers? I doubt that would work out well. I mean i'm sure you could get a handful of kills depending on what map you're playing on, but the ammo is much less compared to the AR's, SR's, MG's, and SMG's. Distance of pistols are crap after 50 feet (or was it meters?) so you'll have to be ready to sprint up and get somewhat close to the target. Heavy armory would pretty much make you a sitting duck. Sure you can take the hits for a while, but if all you got is a pistol, someone can just keep picking you off and long range. If you still want to roll with the pistol primary, then I highly suggest picking up the light vest and combat beanie (if you're the rank). WIth the extra speed boost, the pistol is actually pretty good. Sprint, strafe, jump through obstacles and such increase your evasiveness = you stay alive longer (especially since your pistols portability is high already).