*NEW* Team-eQuality RECRUITING-Members/Officers/Leaders!


New Member

Team-eQuality is looking for
Active Members

You need to first Sign up at our site go to forums and leave a post introduction your self & join Xfire Clan. you must have ventrilo & xfire!!
There is no age limit to our clan. We have members all over the world!

Team-eQuality INFO
Team-eQuality is a multi-gaming team but we play Combat Arms, Battlefield 2 we play the most. we are a new clan but all of our members have been in many other clans some are young like i said all ages can join! but they can still play pretty good as we get enough more players that are good we might try and go pro SOON! all of our members have xfire & ventrilo ask the members for there user name or post your user name in the forums and add your team mates to your xfire.

we update the website & news daily so you will have updates on matches & scrims etc. when you get a chance jump on ventrilo and talk to some team mates try to get your name out there and make friends with your team mates.

Website: http://team-equality.gamerdna.com
Xfire Team: http://www.xfire.com/clans/tequality/

**you can replay to this saying u want to join or what ever have a nice day** :)