New clan


New Member
I want to be in your clan, not that guys clan, not that other clan, not the clan that just beat you, or humiliated you. I want to be in your clan, not the best clan, certainly not the worst clan, but your clan.

I have a 1.23 KDR cuz i like to stand there and get naded like its cool.

Talking is a no, Killing is a Yes. I poop Ultra Kills cuz I eat beans.

I like to snipe snipers with a M16 cuz I don't have to spend GP to get kills.

As a bonus, you may get a V,B, or N voice option out of me. I'm generous to a fault.

Well, there you have it. Oh, and i record video of glitchers and script kiddies. And get them banned. Its fun, for me.