Luigi's Mansion 2?



New Member
Luigi's Mansion was the first game I got for my gamecube. It was alright, but was overall forgettable for me.

I'm not that interested in seeing a sequel. After all, we have a PLETHORA of great mario games being released for the Wii.

Though I do agree that the controls would work nicely with the mote.


New Member
GoldenAssassin said:
Luigi's Mansion was the first game I got for my gamecube. It was alright, but was overall forgettable for me.

I'm not that interested in seeing a sequel. After all, we have a PLETHORA of great mario games being released for the Wii.

Though I do agree that the controls would work nicely with the mote.

it was my firts cube game too.
Oh yes, the control scheme would work great, but we'd get moaners about Nintendo not being able to do anything new with Luigi. We really need a new type of game for Luigi to star in, maybe one where...ok I don't have any ideas...