Looking for a team.


New Member
Well im a pretty decent player. I am very mature and looking to tryout for a fun mature team just reply here or hit me up on aim,msn,etc

Aim: B1GPiMpiN 305


New Member
RDH, Rabid Dogs of Hell Clan--is currently recruiting skilled players for Combat Arms in our non-competitive branch.

RDH members who are interested in competition may be eligible for RDHC, our competitive branch, at the Clan's discretion.

We are a large Clan, several hundred members strong, currently supporting 12 games online. We add new ones as we build new kennels based on our members interests.

Basic Clan requirements:
Must be at least 17 years.
Be a respectful/respectable player--eg no whining, complaining, msg spamming. Glitchers, hackers, and cheaters need not apply.
Loyalty is a must, we are loyal to our clan members, we expect the same of you.

While we do not have a K/D ratio minimum, as it is not a true representation of skill, applicants can expect to be put through an evaluation period prior to Clan acceptance.

If you are interested:

Register for the forums at http://www.rabiddogsofhell.com/forums
Post an introduction in the Join [RDH] subforum telling us about yourself and to which game you are applying.
Wait to be contacted via PM by a Kennel Administrator (KA)
Hackers/glitchers are not tolerated and players associated with known hackers will likely be disqualified from joining.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me here in this thread and I will get back to you as soon as I am available.

[RDH](Dozer)[R] (RDH Combat Arms recruiter)

We are still looking for new players. Skill is not an issue. If you are new or highly skilled were looking to fill the ranks.


New Member
y waz up my name is wolfsrainz i just created a new clan called the BLACK STALLIONS we dont care about ur K/d or ur rank as long as ur loyal and dont run from a battle we will except u. WE MAY BE SMALL but togeher we will dominate the clan servers once we get enough ppl