If, and only if


New Member
1. I got really engaged in the story. The world was so real that I could see myself standing there, watching it all happen. It takes a good story to do that.[/b]
Perhaps, but the world it plays on, (which still doesn't have a proper name) has been my real 'masterpiece' as I detailed a lot of it out, though it isn't something I'll brag about. It took me a long time though.

2. I liked how you switched between the story of the champions and the story of Lince. I liked the cliff hangers.[/b]
I didn't like the switch at the start, but I adjusted to it halfway. I think the switch is a matter of taste, nothing else.
As for the cliff hangers, I tried to make them as good as possible, but in the end, it is a matter of taste as well.

3. I really liked how you made so little spelling and grammar mistakes XD. The story was very easy to read.[/b]
Am I supposed to take this seriously? It is full with spelling and grammar mistakes - though nothing mind shocking.

4. I like where you ended it. It gives a lot of space to continue it. But you must continue it! You must! :p[/b]
Where it ended (at this moment) it was not planned. Not planned at all. Because I didn't have to go to work anymore and I couldn't find the necessary inspiration at home to continue the same excitement - though I tried - of the story, I stopped. Though the lack of interest in general was a large factor in it as well.

If I'd continue it, I'll have to read the story myself first. I can't remember clearly what happened exactly. But most importantly, I don't know the names of an amount of characters. Especially those who live in the 'main' house.

Overall, a GREAT story.


New Member
Am I supposed to take this seriously? It is full with spelling and grammar mistakes - though nothing mind shocking.
Actually, you are putting yourself down too much Flad. You did very well.
Other than my previous section on what didn't work, there were only a few minor grammar and spelling mistakes. Trust me.


New Member
I'm not putting myself down too much, Undead. I am related to a grammar nazi, so I know how to pick out my own mistakes. In general when I'm serious, I have an average of seven grammar and/or spelling mistakes a page. When I'm writing seriously that is.

The minor mistakes might be there, but like I said in my previous post, "nothing mind shocking". But those minor mistakes are more than there are supposed to be. It was written... uhhh... a year ago by now. Between that year and now, my grammar was probably better back then. But only six months after I stopped writing, I believe that my grammar was a lot better then. In other words, there are more mistakes in the story than there are supposed to be.


New Member
Perhaps not. But it not being a native language is a poor excuse, and one I do not use. Making mistakes is... normal, but something I prefer to avoid. Perhaps not a big deal for you, but it's somewhat big for me..


New Member
Most likely it's a big deal for you cause your related to a grammar nazi.
And I have learned that I will always make mistakes, so it is better just not to pay attention to them so much.


New Member
Back ontopic again, I have been reading my own story, If, and only if again as well. Just by reading it, I can remember what I felt during the time I wrote it, which is a good thing if I want to continue it, which I probably will.

I recently read the last few parts of the last few paragraphs I wrote. Apparently there are a lot of free-ends, aren't there? Personally, I couldn't remember I introduced Gunther, Melody, Abby and Dain (especially Dain, because I can't remember what I planned when I mentioned Dain) though it doesn't really matter.

Before I'll continue If, and only if - which has to be finished some time anyway, so I might as well continue it some time soon - I'm going to try and rewrite it though. Not only is it the best way to get into the story again, but I'll also add some minor (and a few major) details to the story. As example, I never gave a proper description of the house where Lince was living in, nor did I introduced several characters properly, especially the last few. It is also overly clear that Dale, Price and Collins (just to name a few) play a much larger role in the story than Edgardo - who died somewhat early on, but the only example I can give without spoiling anything - in the story in general. On the other hand, I also remember focusing more on Herasiel than Aurora on purpose, though I don't understand why I would want to do that by Empirical characters. But that's enough of what I wanted to say.

I remember I added to a few posts at Wc3c - when the story was officially made - near the end that I still had a lot of characters to introduce, which still is true. Though what I am saying now isn't completely true when I started to write If, and only if, it is true when I came to a certain point. If, and only if rellying a lot on its character development, which will doubtless be the downfall of the story as well because I am sure I can't handle the amount of characters that are supposed to be in there.

Anyway, to conclude what I just said:
I am going to rewrite the story, but that won't happen this, or next week. Starting on something is often one of the, if not the hardest part to do. Therefore, hopefully when a class at school is cancelled, I can make a start - usually I don't have much to do during that time - and when the start is made, all others should go smoothly.
Regardless, I have no influence of what happens besides all that. I'm nearing my last four weeks of school and I have to try extra hard to graduate this year, because my grades aren't very good at the moment - multiple reasons.


New Member
No, I don't have the skill for that, nor the constant inspiration. As it is easily visible, I have been writing less over time because I just couldn't muster up anything decent. That wasn't temporarily, but mostly permanent. Though still bits and pieces remain of what I can write about, the inspiration and love I had for writing when I wrote If, and only if is something I do not posses any longer. It'll still be a hobby though.

As an addition to that, I already have my sights set on a future I want to strive to. Writing has very little to do with it, I'm afraid.

But besides that, I still like writing. It calms me down to a certain degree, and it is a good way of expressing myself. As some people may know, over ten years ago, I had a speech problem. Would I have been born ten or more years later than I was, it wouldn't really matter, but back then it did matter. I spoke with a too high pace, too high for most people to understand me.
It took me years to slow down, and I still can't make myself understandable from time to time, which annoys me quite a lot. Fortunately, I've got it mostly under control now, though I still remain a bit unsure of it from time to time. Just something to grow in, I guess. Confidence never has been my strongest point :D
But because of that, I started writing, I think. Funny when you look where my interests lies now though...

Enough of my rambling...


New Member
I don't think I have the talent for writing either...
And Falco, this piece is not nearly qualified to be published.
Finally, Flad, don't reply to this, then you won't have to double post :p


New Member
Not just that, but it is far from finished as well :p Not to mention that some parts are heavily rushed and the story has a too fast pace for my liking. But writing on a forum is different than otherwise. After all, if the story is too slow, people will not like it because they don't have any particular expectations. Not to mention that If, and only if was one of my first stories at Wc3c. Yet, still my best.

Undead, I have the ability to delete a post of mine ;)
As for the rewriting part, I've started on it, and finished a part. It increased a bit in size, but I won't post until I at least finish rewriting one post here at Anvil. I'll create a new thread for the real 'If, and only if' because I am focusing on finishing it then, in opposite of now, which already have a lot of comments between the first part of the stories and a next part... when I start on it.

Also near the last part of what I wrote of If and only if, I mentioned somekind of Arena. A game I did start at Wc3c, but because a lack of members, never really got off the ground. If anyone remembers (and likes) it, would anyone like to give it a try?
I have to request a forum part that doesn't add to the post count though. :p


New Member
Make a search at Wc3c in the Stories section by searching on 'Arena'. That'll save me from explaining, seeing as I got a splitting headache...

I started to write it because there isn't much else I could do. I'm sick after all...


New Member
Wow, your first Arena post....THAT was long... o_O
I think it's an ok game, but it would have to be very few teams....and probably only one person to a team. To start out, at least. I mean, look at the activity of the forum...


New Member
It wasn't that long. At a certain point, I had to create the teams, which made the post look long.

The amount of teams always need a certain amount. That's the only bad part about it, but like I explained somewhere in that thread, it is based off a game I used to play on a different forum and enjoyed quite well.