Hey hey


New Member
I'm new, and my name is actually Jonny, Jdeadevil just sounds cool in my opinion.

I like the fact that there's a site now which is actually dedicated to the Nintendo Wii, I just recently got the internet on my Wii.

I'v got 'Wii Sports' and 'Big Brain Academy', I don't know what happaned to 'Dragon Ball Z', but my brother sold 'Zelda: Twilight Princess' along with his Nintendo Wii. So it's mainly just mine in the Front Room now with my Nintendo Account, hehehe.

And about Zelda, has anyone recognized how it's got the same first notes on the Introduction as Pokemon Gold on the Gameboy Colour?

And I'm currently trying not to use 'Lol', I feel it's childish and immature. So yeah, I like the site, and hey! :)