Demi Gods


New Member
Demi Gods​

New clan looking for members. We prefer either average+ kdrs (.80+) or a good rank. Both isn't needed, but we would like at least one of them. If your KDR isn't the greatest, feel free to still apply, and we could try you out. We will try and get at least 1-2 clan wars every day during the week, and on weekends, we try to do at least 3-4. We are still small because we have just created the clan. We have the clan color which is orange, and here is our emblem:

We are striving to be one of the best. You do not have to clan war if you don't wish to. We will hold clan practices and "members" clan wars. (Clan members vs. Clan Members.)

Some of our rules include the following:

1.) Do NOT clan war without an admin or leader's permission. (Please, on our past clans, this have been a big issue.)

2.) No spamming clan chat.

3.) Don't harass/flame fellow members.

4.) In clan wars, don't scream "HACKERZ LOLOL WE SHULD TOTALLY LEAVEZ" all because you get killed.

5.) Respect clan admins and leader.

We are also working on our own little mini games; like a story like game-type. This way, it won't always be run and kill/camp/rush all the time. More like covert ops and such. We also play tag.

We will have clan events once we get larger. Prizes can include NX cash, admin for a certain period of time, clan wars without an admin or leader's permission, and of course, bragging rights. Our monthly top 10 tournaments coming in the future, will have a prize of 50k NX to the number 1 winner. This winner also gets bragging rights for that month.

So, if this clan looks of interest to you, just send in an application to Demi Gods in game. In the application, please include that you are from the forums. (Some people just apply saying "hi" or something, so I usually deny those.)

If you have any questions, feel free to add me to your friends list in game. My IGN is -Whale- or you could just message me on these forums, or post here.


you know, sadisticgaming is not the only combat arms clan, nor even that terribly important, if he wants to make a free website let him, sadisticgaming are not the moderators over here.