[Content Update] 7/29 Content Update Notes - Quarantine Mode!


New Member
Just got on today--balancing issues are better: zombies are slower, less hp, and bullets hurt them more.

Still can't patch the dumb lone wolf humans who don't work with others in the office tho lol

btw love having no nutshots!


New Member
After considering your input, Quarantine Mode has been rebalanced as follows:

• Infected Damage Resistance has been lowered
• Infected Stamina has been decreased
• Infected HP has been decreased, for both the Host Infection and subsequent infections
• The maximum number of Host Infections has decreased from 3 to 2
• Knockback has been increased for certain weapons, including Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Grenades, and Claymores

Now get back to the field!

well thats the new update, but they couldve been a lil more specific.

Jordan B

Active Member
CA is still a lag magnet. You can't play at all if your capped. I get this random EXP glitch where I don;t get my EXP at all.

hehe, I managed to make my broadband last 2 weeks this month. I'm gonna beat you to 2LT2 :)

When I do , I'm gonna slow down my playing a bit though. I really only wanted the G18.

Although that Silver bar looks really nice........


New Member
Humm I can't believe how some ppl are lvling up so fast, its like last week they were CSMs and this week they're 2nd LTs. I'm goin real slow with my leveling though, I don't hardly play at all thats why, but I do occasionally get on to play a round or two of the zombie mode and mess around for a bit. My opinion about the zombie mode is still the same, those zombies are still too hard to kill, I've actually never seen any of them killed by bullets or just killed at all. So even after the rebalancing I don't think it's that much better, its jus that you don't get infected as quick anymore, but that don't mean you can stay human the whole time without finding a good spot to hide.
Nut shot's were horrible when they were 1 hit kill . :cursing:

1 thing nexon did right was making it NOT a one hit kill.

I was soo glad they did that, having the nutshot made that game/the player base look really immature (well, more so than normal)
CA supposed to be more skill orientated anyways...